Building the PHENIX documentation

To add a new page:

  1. First make sure that $PHENIX/phenix and $PHENIX/phenix_html are up-to-date, and that phenix_html is checked out of SVN.
  2. Create a document, new_doc.txt, at ../phenix_sources/phenix_html/rst_files/
  3. Add the file to the SVN
  4. Add a reference to new_doc.html in phenix_documentation.html
  5. execute: phenix_html.rebuild_docs

To update an existing document, just edit the corresponding file in phenix_html/rst_files/, and then execute phenix_html.rebuild_docs.

Some steps expect that the environment variables PHENIX, PHENIX_VERSION, and PHENIX_RELEASE_TAG be defined. If you are working out of a Phenix installation updated to use SVN, this should not be a problem. Note that you may need to run 'libtbx.configure phenix_html' in the build directory for the command to appear on your path.

After running the update, the new HTML files will be available in $PHENIX/doc, and may be viewed by running 'phenix.doc' (or clicking the help button in the PHENIX GUI).

Including PHIL parameter listing

If you want to have your documentation page show a full listing of program options with help text, simply place a directive like this at the end of the restructured text file:


This gives the path to the module containing the PHIL object from which to generate a full keyword listing. Several different standard names will be checked when importing this object.

Including citations

Published references are stored in PHIL format in phenix/phenix/utilities/citations.params; this is not terribly different from BiBTeX format. Each publication is tagged with a simple ID (this could simply be the PubMed ID, but we usually prefer a program name or other human-readable identifier). In the documentation, full references may be automatically inserted (usually at the end of a document) by specifying "{{citation:article_id}}". We encourage the use of this method for listing references, as it allows them to be easily incorporated into other documents (or displayed as part of program output, in the GUI, etc.).

A very fast introduction to restructured text format

The official documentation is here:

For Phenix documentation we use a relatively simple subset of features. The best way to learn the syntax is by examining files in the rst_files subdirectory (and comparing to the final HTML), but a simple example is shown below:

This is a title

Section title

This is unformatted text; paragraphs are separated by blank lines.  Use
**double-asterisk blocks** for bold text, and *single-asterisk blocks* for
italic text.  Hyperlinks use the convention `link name <url>`_ (all special
characters are literal here).

  - This is a bullet point!
  - This is another bullet point

Another section title

References section



List of all available keywords
