[phenixbb] How to export difference patterson map in PHENIX

Ulrich Baumann ubaumann at uni-koeln.de
Thu Jun 20 08:12:21 PDT 2013

Hi Nat

I tried to limit the resolution by either --diff_limit 4 or --high_resolution 4.0. This does not work - probably is not supposed to work in this way?


lrich-Baumanns-iMac:xds_new ubaumann$ cctbx.patterson_map au1_run1_Rfree.mtz --high_resolution 4.

  !!                  WARNING - EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM                        !!
  !!                                                                        !!
  !! This program is still in development - some functionality may be       !!
  !! missing and/or untested.  Use at your own risk!  For bug reports, etc. !!
  !! email bugs at phenix-online.org.                                          !!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/build/mac-intel-osx-x86_64/../../cctbx_project/iotbx/command_line/patterson_map.py", line 176, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/build/mac-intel-osx-x86_64/../../cctbx_project/iotbx/command_line/patterson_map.py", line 136, in run
    params = cmdline.work.extract()
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 1690, in extract
    value = object.extract(parent=result)
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 1086, in extract
    return self._type_from_words()(self.words, master=self)
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 320, in from_words
    value = self._value_from_words(words=words, path=master.full_path())
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 348, in _value_from_words
    return float_from_words(words=words, path=path)
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 274, in float_from_words
    result = number_from_words(words=words, path=path)
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 227, in number_from_words
    value_string=str_from_words(words), words=words, path=path)
  File "/usr/local/phenix-dev-1405/cctbx_project/libtbx/phil/__init__.py", line 212, in number_from_value_string
    path, value_string, words[0].where_str()))
RuntimeError: Error interpreting high_resolution="True" as a numeric expression (command line argument, line 1)
Ulrich-Baumanns-iMac:xds_new ubaumann$ cctbx.patterson_map au1_run1_Rfree.mtz --diff_limit 4
Prof. Ulrich Baumann, PhD
Institute of Biochemistry, University of Cologne
Otto-Fischer-Strasse 12-14, 
D-50674 Cologne, Germany

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