[phenixbb] where is brute rotation output

Nathaniel Echols nechols at lbl.gov
Wed Jan 30 15:22:05 PST 2013

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Ursula Schulze-Gahmen
<uschulze-gahmen at lbl.gov> wrote:
> OK. So in my case there was no file created. Is this because there was no
> good solution or why?

No, it's just that the result file isn't created where you expect it,
i.e. in the Phaser output directory.  (Which I admit is also
confusing, since I don't think anything else will end up in the output
directory in this case.)  The file isn't human-readable anyway;
extracting the solution object is handled internally.


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