[phenixbb] Nitric Oxide ligand keeps getting pushed far away from specified links in CIF

Pavel Afonine pafonine at lbl.gov
Tue Nov 29 11:51:06 PST 2011

Hi Yarrow,

I guess we need to look at the files to figure out what's wrong. Did you 
send the files off-list to Nigel (as he asked for yesterday)? We need 
PDB and CIF files (no reflection data file).


On 11/29/11 11:45 AM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> The .geo file indicated a longer bond than I had specified. I had copied a
> lot of that from others doing refinement in Refmac. So I have tried to
> redo everything by generating a new cif file in elbow and phenix.metal
> coordination to generate the bond angles and distances. I then adjusted
> the distances and angles.  However when I run:
> Phenix.refine mymodel.mtz mymodel.pdb model.cif model.edits
> I get an error saying that it does not recognize NO. I am not sure how to
> do enter the "apply CIF modifications". Is this necessary?
> I'm sorry about all this trouble. I am new to generating ligands and so
> forth.
>   Number of atoms with unknown nonbonded energy type symbols: 4
>      "ATOM   3204  N   NO  A 700 .*.A    N  "
>      "ATOM   3205  O   NO  A 700 .*.A    O  "
>      "ATOM   6410  N   NO  B 600 .*.B    N  "
>      "ATOM   6411  O   NO  B 600 .*.B    O  "
>    Time building chain proxies: 4.87, per 1000 atoms: 0.73
>    Number of scatterers: 6698
>    At special positions: 0
>    Unit cell: (64.176, 68.437, 104.047, 90, 95.79, 90)
>    Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
>    Number of sites at special positions: 0
>    Number of scattering types: 5
>      Type Number    sf(0)
>       Fe      2     26.01
>       S      22     16.00
>       O    1464      8.00
>       N    1108      7.00
>       C    4102      6.00
>      sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0.
> Sorry: Fatal problems interpreting PDB file:
>    Number of atoms with unknown nonbonded energy type symbols: 4
>      Please edit the PDB file to resolve the problems and/or supply a
>      CIF file with matching restraint definitions, along with
>      apply_cif_modification and apply_cif_link parameter definitions
>      if necessary.
>      Also note that phenix.ready_set and phenix.elbow are available
>      for creating restraint definitions (CIF files).
>> Hi Yarrow,
>> phenix.refine always creates a .geo file that lists all the geometry
>> restraints used in refinement. Looking in this file you can always tell
>> which atoms is involved in which restraints, as well as ideal and actual
>> restraint parameter values (bond length, for example).
>> As a very first step I would check .geo file to make sure the restraints
>> are correctly set up for atoms in question.
>> Pavel
>> On 11/28/11 2:19 PM, Yarrow Madrona wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am having some trouble refining a structure with Nitric Oxide
>>> coordinated to the Heme Fe. I attempted to merge two Cif files. One for
>>> another ligand (CNL) and one for NO (NO.cif). I have saved the merged
>>> file
>>> as CinNO2.cif. In the defualt refinement I type the following into the
>>> command line:
>>> Mymodel.mtz mymodel.pdb CinNO2.cif
>>> Phenix refine runs fine without any errors but pushes the NO much
>>> further
>>> than the 1.9 angstrom specified by the links in the cif file. I have
>>> pasted the contents of the cif file below. The NO, Fe links are at the
>>> end
>>> of the file. Thank you for any help you can provide.
>>> -Yarrow
>>> # Files merged : Tue Oct  4 10:11:22 2011
>>> #
>>> #	CNL.cif
>>> #	NO.cif
>>> #
>>> data_comp_list
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp.id
>>> _chem_comp.three_letter_code
>>> _chem_comp.name
>>> _chem_comp.group
>>> _chem_comp.number_atoms_all
>>> _chem_comp.number_atoms_nh
>>> _chem_comp.desc_level
>>> CNL CNL Unknown                   ligand 29 11 .
>>> NO NO Unknown                   ligand 2 2 .
>>> #
>>> data_comp_CNL
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_atom.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_atom.atom_id
>>> _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol
>>> _chem_comp_atom.type_energy
>>> _chem_comp_atom.partial_charge
>>> _chem_comp_atom.x
>>> _chem_comp_atom.y
>>> _chem_comp_atom.z
>>> CNL         C1     C   CT    .         55.3085   -9.1280  -43.0216
>>> CNL         C2     C   CH2   .         55.6432  -10.5699  -43.1750
>>> CNL         C3     C   CH2   .         54.6509  -11.3139  -43.9725
>>> CNL         C4     C   CH1   .         53.4902  -10.4784  -44.3504
>>> CNL         C5     C   CH2   .         53.9278   -9.3349  -45.0693
>>> CNL         C6     C   CH2   .         54.8932   -8.4964  -44.3064
>>> CNL         C7     C   CH3   .         56.3801   -8.3679  -42.3275
>>> CNL         C8     C   CT    .         52.9353   -9.9244  -43.0573
>>> CNL         C9     C   CH3   .         52.3495  -11.0301  -42.2453
>>> CNL         C10    C   CH3   .         51.8314   -8.9341  -43.2982
>>> CNL         O      O   O2    .         54.1049   -9.2461  -42.2221
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_bond.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_comp_bond.type
>>> _chem_comp_bond.value_dist
>>> _chem_comp_bond.value_dist_esd
>>> CNL   C1      C2    single        1.488 0.020
>>> CNL   C1      C6    single        1.491 0.020
>>> CNL   C1      C7    single        1.486 0.020
>>> CNL   C1      O     single        1.450 0.020
>>> CNL   C2      C3    single        1.475 0.020
>>> CNL   C3      C4    single        1.479 0.020
>>> CNL   C4      C5    single        1.420 0.020
>>> CNL   C4      C8    single        1.512 0.020
>>> CNL   C5      C6    single        1.489 0.020
>>> CNL   C8      C9    single        1.492 0.020
>>> CNL   C8      C10   single        1.502 0.020
>>> CNL   C8      O     single        1.589 0.020
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_angle.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_3
>>> _chem_comp_angle.value_angle
>>> _chem_comp_angle.value_angle_esd
>>> CNL   C3      C2      C1          113.16 3.000
>>> CNL   C5      C6      C1          112.56 3.000
>>> CNL   C8      O       C1          110.85 3.000
>>> CNL   C6      C1      C2          112.60 3.000
>>> CNL   C7      C1      C2          112.43 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C1      C2           99.48 3.000
>>> CNL   C4      C3      C2          112.41 3.000
>>> CNL   C5      C4      C3          110.02 3.000
>>> CNL   C8      C4      C3          106.05 3.000
>>> CNL   C6      C5      C4          113.20 3.000
>>> CNL   C9      C8      C4          109.75 3.000
>>> CNL   C10     C8      C4          111.96 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C8      C4          109.61 3.000
>>> CNL   C8      C4      C5          104.53 3.000
>>> CNL   C7      C1      C6          112.76 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C1      C6          106.18 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C1      C7          112.51 3.000
>>> CNL   C10     C8      C9          106.70 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C8      C9          108.62 3.000
>>> CNL   O       C8      C10         110.10 3.000
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_tor.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_tor.id
>>> _chem_comp_tor.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_comp_tor.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_comp_tor.atom_id_3
>>> _chem_comp_tor.atom_id_4
>>> _chem_comp_tor.value_angle
>>> _chem_comp_tor.value_angle_esd
>>> _chem_comp_tor.period
>>> CNL Var_01         C4      C8      O       C1           10.40  30.0 3
>>> CNL Var_02         C9      C8      O       C1          130.31  30.0 3
>>> CNL Var_03         C10     C8      O       C1         -113.19  30.0 3
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_chir.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_chir.id
>>> _chem_comp_chir.atom_id_centre
>>> _chem_comp_chir.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_comp_chir.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_comp_chir.atom_id_3
>>> _chem_comp_chir.volume_sign
>>> CNL chir_01   C1      C6      C7      O     both
>>> CNL chir_02   C4      C3      C5      C8    both
>>> #
>>> data_comp__NO
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_atom.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_atom.atom_id
>>> _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol
>>> _chem_comp_atom.type_energy
>>> _chem_comp_atom.partial_charge
>>> _chem_comp_atom.x
>>> _chem_comp_atom.y
>>> _chem_comp_atom.z
>>> NO          N      N   N     .         -5.7690    4.3760   32.3600
>>> NO          O      O   O     .         -4.8990    5.2460   32.3600
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_comp_bond.comp_id
>>> _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_comp_bond.type
>>> _chem_comp_bond.value_dist
>>> _chem_comp_bond.value_dist_esd
>>> NO   N       O     double        1.150 0.02
>>> #
>>> data_link_list
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_link.id
>>> _chem_link.comp_id_1
>>> _chem_link.mod_id_1
>>> _chem_link.group_comp_1
>>> _chem_link.comp_id_2
>>> _chem_link.mod_id_2
>>> _chem_link.group_comp_2
>>> _chem_link.name
>>> HEM-CYS  HEM      .        .        CYS      .        .
>>>    bond_CYS-SG_=_HEM-FE
>>> NO -HEM  HEM      .        .        NO       .        .
>>>    bond_HEM-FE_=_NO-N
>>> #
>>> data_link_HEM-CYS
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_link_bond.link_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_1_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_2_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_link_bond.type
>>> _chem_link_bond.value_dist
>>> _chem_link_bond.value_dist_esd
>>> HEM-CYS  1 FE        2  SG        .         2.300000    0.020
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_link_angle.link_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_1_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_2_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_3_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_3
>>> _chem_link_angle.value_angle
>>> _chem_link_angle.value_angle_esd
>>> HEM-CYS  2  SG       1 FE       1  NC       109.471221    3.000
>>> HEM-CYS  1 FE        2  SG      2  CB       109.471221    3.000
>>> #
>>> data_link_NO -HEM
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_link_bond.link_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_1_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_2_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_bond.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_link_bond.type
>>> _chem_link_bond.value_dist
>>> _chem_link_bond.value_dist_esd
>>> NO -HEM  1  N        2 FE         .         1.900000    0.020
>>> #
>>> loop_
>>> _chem_link_angle.link_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_1_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_2_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_2
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_3_comp_id
>>> _chem_link_angle.atom_id_3
>>> _chem_link_angle.value_angle
>>> _chem_link_angle.value_angle_esd
>>> NO -HEM  2 FE        1  N       1  O        140           3.000
>>> NO -HEM  1  N        2 FE       2  NC       103           3.000
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