[phenixbb] Glycan Links/Restraints

Damian Ekiert dcekiert at scripps.edu
Mon Feb 28 18:39:14 PST 2011

Sorry to bring up an old topic again but I can't find any documentation of glycan refinement on the Phenix website and previous threads don't seem to answer my question.

I am refining a structure with N-linked glycans.  I have inserted several "apply_cif_link" records to my .eff file to define the glycan topologies (see below) and fed in a cif file for BMA.  After fiddling for quite some time now, I have managed to get around all the error messages people have described previously to disappear.  Yet, 1) none of my linkages appear to be enforced and 2) even the restraints on the individual sugars appear to be unenforced (or at least, insufficiently so).  For example, some rings are rendered almost flat, or flipped into boat or otherwise distorted conformations, and glycosidic bonds stretch to >2 A.

No obvious signs of trouble in the log file, running the latest version (1.7, also tried 1.6.4), but my glycans look terrible (despite some of the best density I have ever seen!  :-)  )

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Damian Ekiert

>From my .eff file:

    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = NAG-ASN
      residue_selection_1 = chain X and resname NAG and resid 401
      residue_selection_2 = chain A and resname ASN and resid 91
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = NAG-ASN
      residue_selection_1 = chain Y and resname NAG and resid 401
      residue_selection_2 = chain C and resname ASN and resid 91
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = NAG-ASN
      residue_selection_1 = chain Z and resname NAG and resid 401
      residue_selection_2 = chain E and resname ASN and resid 91
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = BETA1-4 
      residue_selection_1 = chain X and resname NAG and resid 402
      residue_selection_2 = chain X and resname NAG and resid 401
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = BETA1-4 
      residue_selection_1 = chain Y and resname NAG and resid 402
      residue_selection_2 = chain Y and resname NAG and resid 401
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = BETA1-4 
      residue_selection_1 = chain Z and resname NAG and resid 402
      residue_selection_2 = chain Z and resname NAG and resid 401
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = BETA1-4 
      residue_selection_1 = chain Y and resname BMA and resid 403
      residue_selection_2 = chain Y and resname NAG and resid 402
    apply_cif_link {
      data_link = ALPHA1-3
      residue_selection_1 = chain Y and resname MAN and resid 404
      residue_selection_2 = chain Y and resname BMA and resid 403

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