[phenixbb] Prevent MacPyMOL from registering as a valid pdb/pml/etc viewer.

Francis E Reyes Francis.Reyes at Colorado.EDU
Mon Dec 19 10:24:28 PST 2011

Hi phenix developers

I just installed 1.7.3-928.  Apparently, OS X thinks the internally distributed pymol is my preferred pdb viewer (as opposed to my more recent build in /Applications). This may have something to do with the Info.plist registering document types. A small change in Finder for the user, but it was quite maddening to figure out why I had opened a pdb and pseudoatom was not working. 

Can future builds keep the internally distributed pymol as walled in as possible? 



Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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