Structure refinement in PHENIX

You can run phenix.refine from the command line:

% phenix.refine <pdb-file(s)> <reflection-file(s)> <monomer-library-file(s)>

When you do this a number of things happen:

To get information about command line options type:

% phenix.refine --help

To have the program generate the input defaults file without running the refinement job (i.e. so you can modify the inputs prior to running the job):

% phenix.refine --dry_run <pdb-file> <reflection-file(s)>

If you now the parameter that you want to change you can override it from the command line:

% phenix.refine lysozyme.pdb number_of_macro_cycles=1 

Note that you don't have to specify the full parameter name. What you specify on the command line is matched against all known parameters names and the best substring match is used if it is unique.

To rerun a job that was previously run:

% phenix.refine --overwrite lysozyme_refine_001.def

The --overwrite option allows the program to overwrite existing files. By default the program will not overwrite existing files - just in case this would remove the results of a refinement job that took a long time to finish.

Common default changes

Current limitations