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A Demonstration of the PHENIX GUI to run a strategy and view the results is available.

Getting started

You should have PHENIX installed including the graphical portions of the program. You should also have sourced the phenix_env file for the installation. This can be done in you .cshrc file so that you environment is automatically configured.

It is common to place all of the data files for a particular solution into a directory. This is referred to as the project directory. For the purposes of this demonstration we will create a project directory and place some example files from the PHENIX installation into it.

Use the following commands to make a directory called phenix_demo in your home directory and copy a data file.

% mkdir phenix_demo

% cd phenix_demo

% cp $PHENIX/examples/p9-resolve.mtz .

Now we can type phenix and the PHENIX GUI will appear.


Type phenix. The PHENIX GUI checks for the existence of the .phenix directory in the user's home directory. If it doesn't exist it creates it. The GUI also checks for the file. This designates the directory as a project directory. If none exists, the user is prompted for some information such as project name. The GUI will also start a PDS server in the current directory. This allows interaction with the Project Data Storage where all data is stored.

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